saúde 360o / health 360o

Academic research group
in health informatics
coordinate by prof. Ivan Torres Pisa
Universidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP Brazil


Saúde 360o, in english Health 360o, its a academic multidisciplinary research group in health informatics focused on knowledge discovery and data mining for healthcare applications. Our research goals are related with three different anchors: informatics for health consumers, decision support systems, and informatics for health-services management. We´re mainly interested in data-mining, telemedicine, e-health, mobile apps, social networks, big data, cluster analysis, linked open data, artificial intelligence, ontologies and thesaurus on health field.

We initiate our work back in 2007 starting mastering and doctoring research within Unifesp´s Management and Health Informatics postgraduation program, at Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM), Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, Brazil.

Our educational objective is to provide for master, doctors and post-doctors formation and titling by developing a number of scientific and technological projects. Graduate students occasionally attend to our activities. Group members are from different universities and institutions including UNIFESP, USP, IFSP, and UNIP. Most of our activities are performed at health data-mining lab located in the Health Informatics Department.

More important than our affiliations however is our truly passionate intention to learn, discuss, research, practice and teach different aspects of health informatics in a friendly and productive environment. Our motivation is the pleasure and joy of collaborative and multidisciplinary research. We happen to be quite happy doing so.

The Health 360o name was pick to represent the wide, complex, multidisciplinary and multidimensional character that defines our academic research focus.

Thanks for your visit.
We hope finding you again on the field.
prof. Ivan Torres Pisa

Saúde 360o / Health 360o

The Health 360o name was pick to represent the wide, complex, multidisciplinary and multidimensional character that defines our academic research focus.


Prof. Dr. Ivan Torres Pisa
Grupo de Pesquisa Saúde 360o
Departamento de Informática em Saúde
Escola Paulista de Medicina EPM
Universidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP

Rua Pedro de Toledo 862
Edifício Leal Prado - Térreo
04023-062 - Vila Clementino - São Paulo SP

Telefone (+55) 11 5576 4347